Temple of Wytchery

Temple of Wytchery logo with the words Witches and Pagans North of Dallas written above a longhorn cow, two swans, and some celestial imagery

Pagan Sanctuary for Witches and Pagans North of Dallas, WPNOD

Celebrate the Sabbats with Wytchery

Wytchery is a public Pagan temple, that honors the 8 Pagan Sabbats known as the Wheel of the Year.


We come together to honor our connection with Earth, Spirituality, and the Divine. 


Find out more about our upcoming events through our Facebook Group

Cornucopia of Fruit, grain, and flowers for Prosperity and Abudance of Harvest


Honoring the Ancestors

Witch's New Year

Cornucopia of Fruit, grain, and flowers for Prosperity and Abudance of Harvest

Longest Night


Winter Solstice

Cornucopia of Fruit, grain, and flowers for Prosperity and Abudance of Harvest


First Signs of Spring

Cross Quarter Winter & Spring

Cornucopia of Fruit, grain, and flowers for Prosperity and Abudance of Harvest


Renewal and new beginnings

Spring Equinox

Cornucopia of Fruit, grain, and flowers for Prosperity and Abudance of Harvest


Fertility Fire Festival
May Day
Cornucopia of Fruit, grain, and flowers for Prosperity and Abudance of Harvest


Shortest Night

Summer Solstice

Cornucopia of Fruit, grain, and flowers for Prosperity and Abudance of Harvest


Summer Games

First Harvest

Cornucopia of Fruit, grain, and flowers for Prosperity and Abudance of Harvest

Harvest Home


Autumnal Equinox